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Preventing a Fire in Your Fayetteville Home This Summer

6/27/2024 (Permalink)

A man hosing down a house fire Stay cool and out of the heat!

Preventing a Fire in Your Fayetteville Home This Summer

As the summer heats up in Fayetteville, it's important to stay vigilant about fire safety. Warm weather, increased outdoor activities, and the use of electrical appliances can all elevate the risk of fires. By taking proactive measures, you can protect your home and loved ones. Here are some essential tips to help you prevent fires this summer:

1. Maintain Your Yard

  • Clear Dead Vegetation: Dry leaves, branches, and other debris can ignite easily. Regularly remove these materials from your yard, especially near your home.
  • Trim Trees and Bushes: Overhanging branches and dense shrubs can catch fire and spread flames to your house. Keep trees and bushes trimmed and well-watered.

2. Grill Safely

  • Keep a Safe Distance: Ensure your grill is at least 10 feet away from your home, deck railings, and overhanging branches.
  • Never Leave Unattended: Stay with your grill while it’s in use. Keep children and pets at a safe distance.
  • Clean Your Grill: Grease buildup can cause flare-ups. Clean your grill regularly to reduce this risk.

3. Be Cautious with Fire Pits and Bonfires

  • Check Local Regulations: Make sure to follow Fayetteville’s guidelines and restrictions regarding outdoor fires.
  • Use a Fire Pit Screen: This helps contain sparks and prevent them from igniting nearby materials.
  • Have a Water Source Nearby: Always keep a hose, bucket of water, or fire extinguisher close at hand when enjoying a fire pit or bonfire.

4. Handle Fireworks Responsibly

  • Know the Law: Verify what types of fireworks are legal in Fayetteville and follow local regulations.
  • Use Fireworks in Open Areas: Ensure you have a clear, open space away from homes, dry grass, and other flammable materials.
  • Have Safety Gear: Keep a bucket of water or a hose nearby when using fireworks, and never allow children to handle them unsupervised.

5. Check Electrical Appliances

  • Inspect Cords and Plugs: Frayed wires and damaged plugs can cause electrical fires. Replace any damaged components immediately.
  • Avoid Overloading Outlets: Plugging too many devices into a single outlet can overheat and start a fire. Use power strips with surge protectors and avoid daisy-chaining multiple strips together.
  • Unplug When Not in Use: Appliances like toasters, coffee makers, and space heaters should be unplugged when not in use to prevent electrical fires.

6. Install and Maintain Smoke Alarms

  • Test Regularly: Check your smoke alarms monthly to ensure they are working correctly.
  • Change Batteries: Replace smoke alarm batteries at least once a year. A good rule of thumb is to do this when you change your clocks for daylight saving time.
  • Replace Old Alarms: Smoke alarms have a lifespan of about 10 years. Replace any that are older than this to ensure optimal performance.

7. Create an Emergency Plan

  • Plan Escape Routes: Identify at least two ways to exit every room in your house and establish a designated meeting spot outside.
  • Practice Drills: Regularly practice fire drills with your family to ensure everyone knows how to respond in an emergency.
  • Teach Fire Safety: Make sure children understand the dangers of fire and know how to react if they hear a smoke alarm.

By taking these precautions, you can significantly reduce the risk of a fire in your Fayetteville home this summer. Stay safe, stay prepared, and enjoy the season with peace of mind.

If you need professional assistance with fire prevention or fire damage restoration, don't hesitate to contact SERVPRO of Fayetteville/Springdale. We're here to help you protect what matters most.

SERVPRO of Fayetteville/Springdale Your trusted fire damage restoration experts

Let SERVPRO Clean Up Soot in Your Springdale Home

6/27/2024 (Permalink)

Servpro technician cleaning soot off of ceiling Our professional team will restore your home quickly and safely. Call us today!

Let SERVPRO Clean Up Soot in Your Springdale Home

Experiencing a fire in your Springdale, Arkansas home can be a traumatic and overwhelming event. Even after the flames are extinguished, the lingering soot and smoke can cause significant damage and health issues. Cleaning up soot is a challenging and meticulous process that requires specialized equipment and expertise. Here’s why you should trust SERVPRO® to handle soot cleanup in your home, so you don't have to.

1. Expertise and Experience

SERVPRO of Fayetteville/Springdale has years of experience dealing with fire damage and soot cleanup. Our highly trained technicians understand the complexities of soot removal and are equipped with the knowledge to handle even the toughest situations. We adhere to industry standards and use advanced techniques to restore your home to its pre-fire condition.

2. Advanced Equipment and Techniques

Soot particles can settle deep into surfaces, making them difficult to remove with standard cleaning methods. SERVPRO uses state-of-the-art equipment and specialized cleaning agents to effectively remove soot from walls, ceilings, floors, and personal belongings. Our tools and techniques ensure a thorough cleaning that you simply can’t achieve with household products.

3. Health and Safety

Soot contains harmful particles that can cause respiratory issues, skin irritation, and other health problems. Attempting to clean soot yourself can expose you to these dangers, especially without proper protective gear. Our team is trained to handle soot safely, minimizing health risks for you and your family.

4. Comprehensive Cleaning Services

Soot damage goes beyond visible stains. It can infiltrate HVAC systems, ductwork, and other hidden areas, continuing to spread contaminants throughout your home. SERVPRO provides comprehensive cleaning services that address both visible and hidden soot, ensuring your home is thoroughly cleaned and safe to live in.

5. Odor Removal

One of the most persistent issues after a fire is the lingering smell of smoke. Standard cleaning methods often fail to eliminate this odor completely. SERVPRO uses advanced deodorization techniques and equipment to remove smoke odors from your home, leaving it smelling fresh and clean.

6. Saving Time and Stress

Cleaning up soot yourself can be an incredibly time-consuming and stressful task. It requires a lot of effort, attention to detail, and the right cleaning materials. By hiring SERVPRO, you can save time and reduce stress, allowing you to focus on other important aspects of your life while we take care of the cleanup.

7. Insurance Assistance

Navigating insurance claims after a fire can be complicated. SERVPRO works closely with insurance companies to ensure a smooth and efficient claims process. We document the damage, provide detailed reports, and communicate directly with your insurance provider, helping you get the coverage you need for the cleanup and restoration.

8. Peace of Mind

Knowing that professionals are handling the cleanup can give you peace of mind during a difficult time. SERVPRO’s team is dedicated to providing high-quality service and restoring your home as quickly as possible. We’re committed to making the process as easy and stress-free as possible for you.

Contact SERVPRO of Fayetteville/Springdale Today

Don’t let soot damage linger in your Springdale home. Contact SERVPRO of Fayetteville/Springdale for expert soot cleanup and restoration services. Our team is ready to respond quickly and efficiently to restore your home and help you get back to normal.

SERVPRO of Fayetteville/Springdale Your trusted fire and soot damage restoration experts

Feel free to reach out to us at any time. We're here to help!

Preventing Water Damage in Your Eureka Springs Home This July

6/27/2024 (Permalink)

storm hovering over homes Stay safe and dry this summer!

July in Eureka Springs can bring beautiful summer weather, but it can also come with unexpected rainstorms and high humidity, which pose risks for water damage in your home. Taking proactive measures to protect your home from water damage is crucial to maintaining its integrity and ensuring the safety of your belongings. Here are some essential tips to help you prevent water damage in your Eureka Springs home this July:

1. Inspect and Maintain Your Roof

  • Regular Inspections: Check your roof for any signs of damage, such as missing or broken shingles, and have them repaired promptly. A well-maintained roof is your first line of defense against water intrusion.
  • Clean Gutters and Downspouts: Ensure your gutters and downspouts are free of debris to allow rainwater to flow away from your home. Clogged gutters can cause water to overflow and seep into your roof or foundation.

2. Seal Windows and Doors

  • Check Seals and Caulking: Inspect the seals around windows and doors. Replace any damaged or worn-out caulking to prevent water from seeping in during heavy rains.
  • Install Weatherstripping: Adding weatherstripping to doors and windows can create a tighter seal and help keep water out.

3. Maintain Your Yard

  • Grade Your Yard Properly: Ensure the ground around your home slopes away from the foundation. Proper grading helps direct water away from your home, reducing the risk of foundation leaks.
  • Trim Trees and Shrubs: Overgrown vegetation can direct rainwater toward your home and cause damage. Keep trees and shrubs trimmed and well-maintained.

4. Check Plumbing and Appliances

  • Inspect Pipes: Regularly check for leaks in your plumbing system, including pipes under sinks, behind appliances, and in basements or crawl spaces. Fix any leaks promptly to prevent water damage.
  • Maintain Appliances: Inspect and maintain water-related appliances such as washing machines, dishwashers, and water heaters. Look for any signs of leaks or malfunctions.

5. Install a Sump Pump

  • Sump Pump Installation: If your home has a basement or is prone to flooding, consider installing a sump pump. A sump pump can help remove excess water and prevent flooding.
  • Regular Testing: Test your sump pump regularly to ensure it’s in good working condition, especially before heavy rain is expected.

6. Use Dehumidifiers and Ventilation

  • Control Humidity: High humidity levels can lead to condensation and water damage. Use dehumidifiers in areas prone to moisture, such as basements and bathrooms, to keep humidity levels in check.
  • Proper Ventilation: Ensure your home is well-ventilated. Use exhaust fans in bathrooms and kitchens to reduce moisture buildup.

7. Prepare for Storms

  • Emergency Kit: Keep an emergency kit with essential supplies, such as flashlights, batteries, and a first-aid kit, in case of severe weather.
  • Monitor Weather Forecasts: Stay informed about weather conditions and be prepared to take action if a storm is approaching. Have a plan in place for protecting your home and belongings.

8. Regular Home Maintenance

  • Regular Inspections: Conduct regular inspections of your home, including the foundation, walls, and roof, to identify and address potential water damage issues early.
  • Professional Help: Consider hiring professionals to perform a thorough inspection and maintenance of your home. They can identify and fix issues that you might miss.

By following these tips, you can significantly reduce the risk of water damage in your Eureka Springs home this July. Taking proactive steps now can save you time, money, and stress in the future. If you do experience water damage, remember that SERVPRO of Fayetteville/Springdale is here to help with professional water damage restoration services.

SERVPRO of Fayetteville/Springdale Your trusted water damage restoration experts

Why SERVPRO of Fayetteville/Springdale Should Clean Your Air Ducts Before the Summer Heat Hits

6/27/2024 (Permalink)

dirty air duct Contact us now to book your appointment and breathe easier this summer!

As the summer heat approaches in Fayetteville and Springdale, it's essential to ensure that your home's air conditioning system is operating at peak efficiency. One often-overlooked aspect of HVAC maintenance is air duct cleaning. Clean air ducts not only improve the efficiency of your cooling system but also enhance indoor air quality. Here’s why you should have SERVPRO of Fayetteville/Springdale clean your air ducts before the summer heat hits:

1. Improve Indoor Air Quality

Over time, air ducts accumulate dust, pollen, pet dander, mold spores, and other contaminants. When your HVAC system circulates air, these particles can be dispersed throughout your home, potentially causing respiratory issues and allergies. Cleaning your air ducts helps to remove these pollutants, ensuring cleaner and healthier air for you and your family.

2. Enhance HVAC Efficiency

Dirty air ducts can restrict airflow, forcing your HVAC system to work harder to cool your home. This increased strain can lead to higher energy bills and a shorter lifespan for your system. By having SERVPRO clean your air ducts, you can improve airflow, enhance system efficiency, and potentially reduce your energy costs.

3. Reduce Allergens and Irritants

During the summer, allergens such as pollen are more prevalent. If these allergens accumulate in your air ducts, they can exacerbate allergy symptoms and respiratory issues. SERVPRO’s professional air duct cleaning removes these irritants, providing relief for allergy sufferers and improving overall indoor air quality.

4. Eliminate Unpleasant Odors

Mold, mildew, and accumulated debris in air ducts can cause unpleasant odors to circulate throughout your home. These odors can be particularly noticeable when your HVAC system is running. Cleaning your air ducts eliminates these sources of odor, leaving your home smelling fresh and clean.

5. Prevent Mold Growth

The combination of summer heat and humidity creates an ideal environment for mold growth. Mold spores can thrive in the moisture that accumulates in dirty air ducts. SERVPRO’s air duct cleaning services include the removal of mold spores and the application of antimicrobial treatments to prevent future growth.

6. Extend the Life of Your HVAC System

Regular maintenance, including air duct cleaning, helps to keep your HVAC system running smoothly. By reducing the strain on your system and preventing potential damage caused by debris buildup, you can extend the lifespan of your HVAC components and avoid costly repairs or replacements.

7. Professional Expertise and Equipment

SERVPRO of Fayetteville/Springdale has the expertise and specialized equipment needed to thoroughly clean your air ducts. Our technicians are trained to identify and address specific issues within your HVAC system, ensuring a comprehensive and effective cleaning process.

8. Peace of Mind

Knowing that your air ducts are clean and your HVAC system is operating efficiently provides peace of mind during the hot summer months. You can rest assured that your home will remain cool and comfortable, and your indoor air quality will be optimal.

Schedule Your Air Duct Cleaning Today

Don’t wait until the summer heat is in full swing to address your air duct cleaning needs. Schedule a professional air duct cleaning with SERVPRO of Fayetteville/Springdale today. Our team is ready to provide you with high-quality service and ensure your home is prepared for the summer.

SERVPRO of Fayetteville/Springdale Your trusted air duct cleaning experts

How to Prevent a House Fire During the 4th of July

6/27/2024 (Permalink)

firework show Stay safe and have a happy 4th of July!

The 4th of July is a time for celebration, fireworks, and family gatherings. However, the festivities also bring an increased risk of house fires. By taking a few precautionary steps, you can enjoy a safe and fire-free Independence Day. Here are some essential tips to help you prevent a house fire during the 4th of July:

1. Handle Fireworks Responsibly

  • Follow Local Laws: Ensure you are aware of and comply with local regulations regarding fireworks.
  • Use Fireworks Outdoors: Never use fireworks indoors. Always set them off in an open area, away from homes, dry grass, and flammable materials.
  • Have Water Ready: Keep a bucket of water or a hose nearby in case of emergencies. Douse used fireworks with water before disposing of them.
  • Supervise Children: Never allow children to handle fireworks. Even sparklers, which may seem harmless, can cause burns and start fires.

2. Be Safe with Grills and Fire Pits

  • Positioning: Place grills and fire pits at least 10 feet away from any structures, including your home, deck railings, and overhanging branches.
  • Supervision: Never leave a lit grill or fire pit unattended. Keep children and pets at a safe distance.
  • Cleaning: Regularly clean your grill to prevent grease buildup, which can lead to flare-ups.

3. Use Caution with Decorations

  • Flammable Materials: Avoid using decorations made of flammable materials like paper or cloth near open flames or fireworks.
  • Outdoor Lighting: Ensure any outdoor lights and electrical decorations are rated for outdoor use and in good working condition. Avoid overloading electrical outlets.

4. Practice Safe Smoking Habits

  • Designated Areas: Smoke outside and use designated smoking areas away from the house and flammable materials.
  • Proper Disposal: Use deep, sturdy ashtrays. Douse cigarette butts with water before disposing of them to ensure they are completely out.

5. Check Your Fire Safety Equipment

  • Smoke Alarms: Test smoke alarms to ensure they are working correctly. Replace batteries if needed.
  • Fire Extinguishers: Have a fire extinguisher readily available and ensure you know how to use it. Place it in a central location, easily accessible in case of an emergency.

6. Educate Your Family

  • Fire Safety Plan: Review your fire safety plan with family members. Ensure everyone knows the location of fire extinguishers and how to use them.
  • Emergency Numbers: Have emergency numbers readily available and make sure everyone knows how to call 911 in case of a fire.

7. Monitor Weather Conditions

  • Dry Conditions: If your area is experiencing dry weather, consider avoiding the use of fireworks or open flames altogether. Dry conditions can significantly increase the risk of fires spreading.

8. Keep an Eye on Pets

  • Pet Safety: Keep pets indoors and away from fireworks and open flames. Loud noises and bright lights can startle pets, causing them to knock over candles or other fire sources.

By following these tips, you can help ensure a safe and enjoyable 4th of July celebration. Remember, safety should always come first when celebrating with fireworks and open flames. If you do experience a fire, SERVPRO of Fayetteville/Springdale is here to help with professional fire damage restoration services.

SERVPRO of Fayetteville/Springdale Your trusted fire damage restoration experts

How to Create a Water Loss Plan for Your Siloam Springs Commercial Building

6/27/2024 (Permalink)

standing water inside a commercial building Stay prepared and protect your business with SERVPRO of Fayetteville/Springdale!

How to Create a Water Loss Plan for Your Siloam Springs Commercial Building

Water damage can strike without warning, causing significant disruption and financial loss to your commercial property. Whether it’s from a burst pipe, severe weather, or a malfunctioning appliance, water damage can halt business operations and lead to costly repairs. Having a comprehensive water loss plan in place is essential to minimize damage and ensure a swift recovery. Here’s a guide from SERVPRO of Fayetteville/Springdale on how to develop an effective water loss plan for your Siloam Springs commercial building.

1. Conduct a Risk Assessment

  • Identify Vulnerable Areas: Examine your building to identify areas most susceptible to water damage, such as basements, restrooms, kitchens, and areas with heavy plumbing.
  • Evaluate Potential Hazards: Consider external risks like nearby bodies of water, weather patterns, and the age and condition of your building's plumbing system.

2. Develop an Emergency Response Plan

  • Emergency Contacts: Compile a list of emergency contacts, including local fire and police departments, a reliable plumber, your insurance company, and SERVPRO of Fayetteville/Springdale.
  • Action Steps: Outline clear, step-by-step procedures for responding to a water emergency. This should include shutting off the main water supply, evacuating personnel if necessary, and contacting emergency services.

3. Assign Roles and Responsibilities

  • Response Team: Designate specific employees to form a water loss response team. Ensure they are trained in emergency procedures and know their roles during a water incident.
  • Training: Conduct regular training sessions to keep the response team prepared. Include drills and simulations to practice the emergency response plan.

4. Install Preventative Measures

  • Water Detection Systems: Install water detection systems and alarms in areas prone to leaks. These devices can provide early warning signs of water intrusion.
  • Regular Maintenance: Schedule regular inspections and maintenance of plumbing, HVAC systems, and roofing to prevent leaks and water damage.

5. Protect Critical Assets

  • Data Backup: Regularly back up important data and store copies off-site or in the cloud. This ensures business continuity even if physical assets are damaged.
  • Elevate Equipment: Keep critical equipment and documents elevated and away from the floor to prevent water damage.

6. Establish a Communication Plan

  • Internal Communication: Develop a communication strategy to inform employees about the emergency and provide instructions. Use multiple channels such as emails, text messages, and phone calls.
  • External Communication: Prepare a plan to communicate with clients, customers, and stakeholders about the situation and any potential disruptions to business operations.

7. Work with a Professional Restoration Company

  • Pre-Planning with SERVPRO®: Partner with SERVPRO of Fayetteville/Springdale before disaster strikes. We offer an Emergency Ready Profile (ERP) that helps you prepare for the unexpected. This no-cost assessment of your facility provides critical information needed to begin mitigation and recovery services immediately.
  • Priority Response: Having a plan in place with SERVPRO ensures a prioritized response, minimizing downtime and reducing the extent of damage.

8. Review and Update the Plan Regularly

  • Annual Reviews: Review and update your water loss plan annually or whenever there are significant changes to your building or operations.
  • Post-Incident Evaluation: After any water incident, evaluate the effectiveness of your response and make necessary adjustments to the plan.

Partner with SERVPRO of Fayetteville/Springdale

Creating a water loss plan is a proactive step to safeguard your commercial building from water damage. SERVPRO of Fayetteville/Springdale is here to help you every step of the way. From developing your Emergency Ready Profile to providing swift and professional water damage restoration services, we are your trusted partner in keeping your business running smoothly.

Contact SERVPRO of Fayetteville/Springdale today to schedule your Emergency Ready Profile and ensure your Siloam Springs commercial building is prepared for any water emergency.

Protecting Your Bella Vista, AR Commercial Property from Storm Damage

6/27/2024 (Permalink)

storm damage on a commercial building roof Stay prepared and protect your business with SERVPRO of Fayetteville/Springdale!

Storms can strike with little warning, bringing heavy rain, strong winds, and even hail, all of which can cause significant damage to commercial properties. As a business owner in Bella Vista, AR, it’s essential to take proactive steps to protect your property from storm damage. Here’s a comprehensive guide from SERVPRO of Fayetteville/Springdale to help you safeguard your commercial property against the unpredictable nature of storms.

1. Regularly Inspect and Maintain Your Building

  • Roof Inspections: Regularly inspect your roof for any signs of damage, such as missing shingles or leaks. A well-maintained roof is your first line of defense against storm damage.
  • Gutter Maintenance: Ensure gutters and downspouts are clear of debris. Proper drainage prevents water from pooling on the roof and around the foundation, reducing the risk of leaks and structural damage.
  • Window and Door Seals: Check the seals around windows and doors for any cracks or gaps. Re-seal or replace as necessary to prevent water intrusion during heavy rains.

2. Secure Outdoor Areas

  • Anchor Equipment: Secure outdoor equipment and structures, such as signage, HVAC units, and satellite dishes. High winds can turn unsecured items into dangerous projectiles.
  • Trim Trees and Shrubs: Regularly trim trees and shrubs around your property. Remove any dead or overhanging branches that could fall during a storm and cause damage.

3. Invest in Storm-Resistant Features

  • Impact-Resistant Windows: Consider installing impact-resistant windows and doors that can withstand high winds and flying debris.
  • Reinforced Roofing: Upgrade to a reinforced roofing system designed to withstand severe weather conditions. Consult with a roofing professional to choose the best options for your building.

4. Develop a Storm Preparedness Plan

  • Emergency Kit: Assemble an emergency kit that includes flashlights, batteries, first-aid supplies, a portable radio, and essential tools. Ensure your employees know where the kit is located.
  • Evacuation Plan: Create an evacuation plan and conduct regular drills with your employees. Ensure everyone knows the safest routes and designated meeting points.
  • Communication Plan: Develop a communication plan to keep employees, customers, and stakeholders informed during and after a storm. Use multiple channels such as emails, texts, and social media.

5. Protect Important Documents and Equipment

  • Data Backup: Regularly back up important business data and store copies off-site or in the cloud. This ensures business continuity even if physical assets are damaged.
  • Elevate Equipment: Keep critical equipment and documents elevated and away from areas prone to flooding. Use waterproof containers for added protection.

6. Review Your Insurance Coverage

  • Adequate Coverage: Ensure your insurance policy covers storm damage, including wind, hail, and water damage. Review your policy annually and make necessary adjustments.
  • Document Valuables: Keep an updated inventory of valuable equipment and assets. Document their condition with photographs and maintain receipts for easy reference during claims.

7. Partner with a Professional Restoration Company

  • Emergency Ready Profile (ERP): SERVPRO of Fayetteville/Springdale offers an Emergency Ready Profile (ERP) that helps you prepare for the unexpected. This no-cost assessment of your facility provides critical information needed to begin mitigation and recovery services immediately.
  • Priority Response: Having an ERP in place ensures a prioritized response, minimizing downtime and reducing the extent of damage.


By taking these proactive steps, you can significantly reduce the risk of storm damage to your Bella Vista commercial property. Preparation is key to ensuring the safety of your employees, protecting your assets, and maintaining business continuity. If your property does suffer storm damage, SERVPRO of Fayetteville/Springdale is Here to Help® with professional restoration services.

Contact SERVPRO of Fayetteville/Springdale today to schedule your Emergency Ready Profile and ensure your Bella Vista commercial property is prepared for any storm.

What to do if a fire starts in your Fayetteville home

5/6/2024 (Permalink)

outside photo of roof damage Fayetteville home damaged by fire

A fire in your home or business is a serious, possibly life threaten event.  What should you do if you experience a fire?  SERVPRO of Fayetteville/Springdale is here to help you prepare.  Here are several things to do should a fire start in your home.

  • Keep a fire extinguisher in your home. Knowing how to properly use a fire extinguisher may keep a small kitchen fire from becoming an entire house fire.  When its time to use a fire extinguisher remember the acronym PASS.
    • Pull the pin at the top, near the nozzle
    • Aim, keep a safe distance and point the nozzle at the base of the fire
    • Squeeze the two handles together, releasing the extinguishing agent
    • Sweep from side to side until all the flames die down or the extinguisher is empty
  • Yell “Fire” multiple times and go outside immediately. It is important to Get Out and Stay Out.  Focus on you, your family, and people around you.  Leave your things behind.
  • If smoke affects your exit, get low and crawl under the smoke. Close doors as you leave rooms.
  • Never open doors that are warm when touched. If the door handle is warm, do not open the door.  Find another way out.
  • If all your exits are blocked by smoke, heat, or flames stay in the room with the door closed. If possible, place a wet towel or clothing under the door.  Find a way to let people know where you are,
    • Call 911 or the fire department
    • open a window and let people know you are there
  • When you get outside, go to your pre-established meeting place. Call 911 or the local fire department. 

If your northwest Arkansas home or business is affected by fire, SERVPRO of Fayetteville/Springdale should be your first choice for any residential or commercial restoration.  Our team of professionals is trained to assess the damage, identify potential threats, respond quickly to restore your property to preloss condition.  SERVPRO of Fayeteville/Springdale is available 24/7 by calling 479-419-5544.

Fire Drill Tips for Managing your Commercial Business in Springdale

5/6/2024 (Permalink)

A photo that says "Fire Drill Tips for Managing your Commercial Business in Springdale" Have you put in place a strategic fire drill plan?

Most businesses are required by OSHA and fire department codes to conduct regular fire safety drills. However most employees don’t enjoy these drills because it takes away from their daily work tasks to plan for something that they would argue may never even occur. But, they do occur and they occur even more frequently whenever people aren’t being cautious and aware of their surroundings in the workplace. We’ve seen businesses not plan for a disaster and when a fire does happen, they aren’t able to put out the fire or coordinate a safe effort to leave the building without inciting panic.

Having a designated strategy as you conduct fire drills will keep your employees safe in the event of a fire, so let’s make the most out of it while we’ve already begun the conversation around fire safety.

Maybe it’s because we all practiced them in school or maybe it’s because of the time taken out of the day, but fire drills have developed a reputation as a sort of juvenile exercises. But these are not pointless requirements to meet; there is still a need for knowledge of fire safety in the workplace.

How to be effective while conducting a fire drill training session:

  • Take them seriously.
    • Your team won’t take it seriously if you don’t.
    • Explain to them where they are to go in the event of a fire
    • Show your employees the best routes to get out of the building quickly (including any fire escapes or exits that aren’t regularly used)
    • If your facility provides fire extinguishers in your facilities, Show them where fire extinguishers are located and how to use them. Remember: Do NOT try to extinguish a fire that is already out of control. It’s best to use your judgment here but the most important thing is to get the employees out of the building.
    • Don’t warn your employees that a drill is coming, and don’t blow it off when it happens.
  • Prepare your team ahead of time. 
    • Review your fire safety plan on a quarterly basis so that any new employees have a chance to participate.
    • It’s more memorable to your team to have them physically go to the meeting location instead of showing them on a paper map or pointing.
  • Create a script for customer-facing roles. 
    • Many employees spend their days on the phone with customers in one way or another. Consider this when talking to your team and give them a “Script” to end a call in the case of an emergency. Usually the customers can hear the fire alarm going off in the background, so they generally seem to understand the situation.
      • “Due to a local emergency this call must be disconnected. I’m sorry for any inconvenience. Please call back and we will be prepared to help you promptly, then.”

The most important part of a fire drill is remembering why you’re doing it and whom you’re doing it for. You’re not just exiting a building to check off a box, but to ensure the safety of the people you’re responsible for. Keep that in mind and make each fire drill matter.

SERVPRO of Fayetteville/Springdale should be your first choice for any residential or commercial restoration needs. Our team of professionals is trained to assess the damage and potential threats, extract and contain the affected area, dry, and restore your property to preloss condition. 

SERVPRO of Fayetteville/Springdale is available 24/7 by calling 479-318-6774.

For more about SERVPRO of Fayetteville/Springdale, click here.

For more about the city of Springdale, Click here.

The Many Causes of Water Damage to your Bentonville Commercial Property

3/22/2024 (Permalink)

Air movers and dehumidifiers are drying this office Burst pipe flooded this Bentonville office. After extracting the excess water, air movers and dehumidifiers are used to finish drying

Flooding from overflowing creeks and streams can destroy Bentonville commercial businesses.  A few inches of standing water can cause thousands of dollars in repair and replacement costs if the water is not removed quickly and efficiently. While rainwater and broken water lines are common causes of water damage, frozen pipes that burst are a major cause of water damage to Bentonville businesses.  Odds are water removal in your business will be a necessity at some point. SERVPROof Northwest Benton County has the experience and equipment to quickly and efficiently extract the water, remove building materials that will not dry, and dry materials that will.  SERVPRO of Northwest Benton County also provides reconstruction services to Bentonville businesses.

Our trained team of technicians can start with pumps to remove excess water.  Our SERVPRO® technicians will use specialized extractors to remove water from carpets and other floor coverings.  While water is being extracted from your floors, other team members will place air movers in key areas to help pull water out of saturated building materials. Dehumidifiers are set to remove the excess moisture from the air.  It may also be necessary to set up heaters to aid in the drying process.  Besides the physical damage, drying your Bentonville commercial building quickly will also help prevent the growth of mold. Water-soaked drywall is a perfect food source for mold spores to grow.

Our reconstruction team can begin to put your Bentonville commercial building back together.  Our services include insulation installation, drywall repair and replacement, base and door trim installation, painting, and flooring installation.  Our reconstruction team can handle any size repair, including a complete remodel of your business.

SERVPRO of Northwest Benton County should be your first choice for any residential or commercial water damage.  Our team of professionals is trained to assess the damage, identify potential threats, and respond quickly to restore your property to preloss condition.  SERVPRO of Northwest Benton County is available 24/7 by calling 479-419-5544